The Deo of Deosai

5 min readFeb 25, 2023


Atta and the deo

Background: The jeep comes to an abrupt stop, Atta needed to piss, concerned about if the musafirs will judge him for responding to nature’s call but forget em when did he start giving a damn about what others think, he rushes outside, oh getting off that 50’s jeep was a struggle. Feeling that fresh breeze made Atta forget all about that nightmare of a bumpy ride. After a few paces here or there Atta is once again confused about which direction to go, finally, he finds a spot 50 meters away from the jeep into the wild. The sounds of the nearby camping spot at BaraPani have faded the dark of night is frightening but since when does he give a f**k. Khair, he starts the process, oh that feeling of relaxation. A few moments pass, and a rather disturbing sound catches his ears ‘heavy thuds of someone approaching from behind’ nothing normal that sound creeps the f out of him but immersed in the process Atta can’t look back. Let it come you had a meeting with a vampire, a yeti why get distracted now from the noble cause! Suddenly a giant figure appears out of the shadows, wow this is huge he musters up the courage to look to his right but can only see two huge fat legs, looking up Atta thinks this meeting is gonna be nothing ordinary.

Deo: “I have lived in these plains for millennia”, the fifty foot high being looked down smiling, “don’t be shocked, not as if it’s your first encounter with supernaturals, I Am ‘the Deo of Desai’ we are eternal creatures! I was cursed to live in these endless plains till Time ended, the fuckin time or this godforsaken planet this rock we call home eventually died or as the Muslamans say ‘Qayamat’ came. Oh these silly creatures, Humans and their inventions. So I was saying I have lived in these plains for countless years, Cursed!

‘Khair’ Let’s get back to the point of conversation, ‘the Musafirs’.

Atta: What’s your concern with us, you Giant piece of meat.

Deo: Over the years the wildlife here in deosai has been led to extinction, the bears ‘ Oh my! They tasted delicious. But unfortunately Humans again for no apparent reason hunted them down ‘Why for god sake they just ate honey and fish, eh sometimes humans dipped in honey too’. However, that’s not the point. The point is I had nothing to eat, so many nights I slept with empty tummy binging ‘Keeping up with the Kardashians’ on the ipad I stole from a tourist.

Atta: Still i dont see where you are getting with this conversation. Humans did what they did for Survival just like you.

Deo: (In a nervous tone) I mean to say, that what I meant is ‘thatimghthadeatnsomtourists’ (the deo murmured hurriedly).

Atta: What, I couldn’t Understand could you repeat that.

Deo: imight’ve eaten someturists.

Atta: What are you trying to say you’ve eaten some turds, lol ?

Deo: (Gruntling in a angered tone) That i have eaten some tour fuckin Ists these past seasons. You little brat !

Atta: WHAAAT! ( this scared the shit out of Atta) , no no please i haven’t even married yet, you awful man eater , please spare me. (the relieving process had automatically stopped)

Deo: NO, Nah LOL get yourself together, i don’t eat tour guides you guys bring me food every year why would i eat you dumbshits. I meant the Musafirs you brought they seem full of energy look at them they won’t even stop singing (60 years of bollywood) after this tiring day.

Atta: Wait, so you’re saying you’ve been eating the tourists we bring to Deosai?

Deo: (chuckles) No, no, no! I was just joking, my little friend. I don’t eat humans, I am a Deo, not a monster. But I do have a proposal for you.

Atta: (confused) A proposal?

Deo: Yes. You see, I have been living here for centuries, and it gets quite lonely sometimes. I was thinking, what if I join your community of Musafirs? You bring new people here every year, and it would be nice to have some company.

Atta: (surprised) You want to join our community?

Deo: Yes, why not? I promise I won’t eat anyone, and I can be quite useful. I know these plains better than anyone, and I can help you navigate through them. Plus, I have a great sense of humor, I can crack jokes like this one (he chuckles again).

Atta: (smiling) Well, I don’t know. Our community is not just about bringing people here, it’s about sharing experiences and creating memories. Are you sure you can fit in?

Deo: (confidently) Of course! I may be a giant creature, but I am also very adaptable. Besides, I am tired of being alone, and I want to learn more about your world.

Atta: (thinking for a moment) Alright, we can give it a try. But you have to promise not to scare anyone, and you have to behave like a civilized being.

Deo: (nodding) I promise. You won’t regret this, my friend. Now, let’s go back to the jeep, and I’ll show you the way to Bara Pani.

Atta: (smiling) Okay, let’s go. But first, I have to finish what I started. (he turns around and continues the relieving process)

Deo: (laughing) Ah, the call of nature. I understand completely. Take your time, my friend. We have all the time in the world now.

And from that day on, Deo became an honorary member of the Musafir community. He waited all year round for their annual visit, and when they arrived, he would greet them with a smile and open arms. They would sing and dance together, and Deo never felt lonely again. The Musafirs were happy to have such a unique member in their group, and Deo was grateful for their friendship. It just goes to show that even the most unlikely friendships can bring happiness and joy.




Stories from Pakistan's largest travel community, The Musafir Community.