Interactive Trip Design by 3Musafir

2 min readMay 19, 2021


Problem with group tours by other tour operators?

In the common group tours, the customers are usually restricted to the itinerary decided by the organizers. One by one all places in the itinerary are to be checked off and the primary focus is on “traveling to as many places as possible”. The trip feels more like a cumbersome task than an actual getaway trip. Then there are also times during the trip when you feel like you just need a break, or maybe do a less excursive thing than what the itinerary forces you to. Back in the day, when we went on our university trips we faced similar problems so we decided to do something about it.

What is Interactive Trip Design methodology by 3Musafir?

It’s really hard for a travel company to be customer-centric but 3Musafir Travels claims to be just that. To put it into practice we start by first asking our musafirs to choose the destination(s) for the trip. We do these by-polls on social media platforms and other digital mediums. Once the musafirs have finalized the destination we create a detailed service design blueprint (design professionals would get this). In simpler words, the blue-trip helps us list down every planned activity/event during the trip. We again go back to our past musafirs and get their opinions on the kind of experiences they had regarding the activities.

How does Interactive Trip Design satisfy customer needs?

As a result of all this research and communication with the traveling musafirs, we come up with trips that people actually enjoy. The kind of freedom and autonomy 3M provides to its musafirs alone is an innovation that has not been seen in Pakistan’s tourism industry. Energy is put into making sure that musafirs are well acquainted with each other before the trip starts by implementing the Troop Division Model. But that is for another story so stay tuned!




Stories from Pakistan's largest travel community, The Musafir Community.