3Musafir’s mission to empowering student thru traveling

2 min readJun 16, 2024


As summer vacation begins across universities in Pakistan, there’s a unique opportunity for ya’ll students to travel in a safe and fun environment. 3Musafir is working on something to make travel for students very cheap yet impactful.

Thing in many regions of the world, student traveling is subsidized. From daily bus and wagon to going on longer journeys for school or for fun.

This is not the case in Pakistan. Student traveling is not subsized infact there’s not much being done for that aswell. There are no upcoming policies that promote students traveling.

The cheap trips that do happen, their quality poor and students are also exposed to bad actors which can lead to unhealthy travel experiences often influenced by the drug epidemic.

Now because of this, parents here are not at all in confidence with the travel industry in Pakistan. We wanna change that, infact we’ve already changed that by normalising travel for women in Pakistan(#TWP). With hundreds of solo female travellers and group travellers already trusting us from karachi to lahore. It is HIP & SAFE & OFCOURSE FUN!!

Two things on our mind now:

  1. Making travel cheap for students by introducing budget trips.
  2. Making sure the trips are safe from societial bad actors.

You know exactly how important this is for the youth of Pakistan. So let’s together take steps in the right direction!

3musafir and students of pakistan on a journey in safe and fun envirnoment
  • #Travel
  • #TravelGram
  • #Wanderlust
  • #Adventure
  • #Explore
  • #SeeTheWorld




Stories from Pakistan's largest travel community, The Musafir Community.